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Person Centred Approach

The approach I offer is the Person Centred Approach (PCA), this means that you, the client, lead the content and direction of each session.  My role as a counsellor is to actively listen and support you to find your own solutions to issues you might have.  Helping you manage the difficulties in your life in a non-judgemental way and helping you gain the confidence to make changes yourself.

The Person Centred Approach is an approach to human relationships. It values attitudes such as: not judging others, trying to understand the experiences of others from their point of view, and fully honouring the uniqueness of the individuals I meet in a genuine and heartfelt way.

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Accepting people for who they are

Being real and genuine in counselling sessions

Sensing other people's emotions

If you would like these qualities in your counsellor, I can provide you with these important ways of working to help us build a solid therapeutic relationship.

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